Basic Features For An Ideal Sales Management Software

by pps-DUEditor

Contact Management

In the sales department, it’s people interacting with people. Hence, it is crucial to have a coherent contact management system. Customer data should be organized at a centralized location. Customer data like their contact number, demographic, customer service interaction should be saved systematically and should also be easily retrievable.

Lead Management

This helps you get a complete view of the sales activity, deals closed till now and tasks undertaken. It also connects to the contact management system which gives a full view of the customer and their interactions so far.


It amalgamates streams of data coming from various sources in a logical way that generates patterns, trends, and other market insights. Some software also have advanced features like tracking lead data from third-party websites.

Deals And tasks

Sales Management tools should allow you to add, assign, and track significant items and add them to your business channel. Using customer data, deals and tasks should get populated on their own. Another way to do this is updated using real-time information.

Campaign Management

Setting up target clients, mechanizing of work processes, and measurement of success on predefined metrics is what campaign management is about. Two of its sub-features are:

  • Email Management: It helps you track opened and clicked emails and works with popular email clients such as Gmail and Outlook.
  • Social Media Management: This tracks the online social networking movement of your customers, for example – their likes and dislikes, shares, comments, reviews, mentions, etc.


Most organizations want to know what’s ahead in the lead funnel. For example, the sources producing the most revenue, the conversion examination at each stage, the point where communication is flawed, and the business response time etc. This information is important in reinforcing the entire lead management process.

Sales Order Management

This is one of the most essential features your software should have as it ensures you are making your customer happy by delivering products on time irrespective of their geographical location. You can incorporate this feature in your existing software or you can get yourself a different sales order management software to track the delivery course from the minute the order is placed till it is delivered to your customer. Your software should be able to perform some core functionality, obviously starting with sales order management, general accounting, inventory management, warehouse management, and delivery management.

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